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Anglo Nubians

Fees & Forms

Click here for information on fees and links to downloadable forms.


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[email protected]
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Latest news

  • GVS Disbudding of Goats Consultation

    Dear Society Secretary,    We wish to notify relevant societies of the launch of a GVS consultation examining disbudding of goats in the UK and abroad:    As you may know, within the UK, the act of disbudding goat kids can only be undertaken by a Veterinary Surgeon. Whilst the majority of UK milking goat […]Read More »
  • Dairy Sheep & Goat Conference

    We wish to remind MGA / BGS members of the upcoming Dairy Sheep and Goat Conference, hosted by Friars Moor Livestock Services in collaboration with GVS.    “The Seventh conference aiming to inform and lead small ruminant dairying in the UK. This event, at the beautiful Doubletree by Hilton Cadbury House Hotel, is aimed at producers, […]Read More »
  • Office Closure

    The office of the British Goat Society will be closed from 5.00pm Christmas Eve until the morning of Thursday 2nd January 2025.   Wishing all our members and followers a happy holiday season and best wishes for 2025.  FacebookRead More »


‘The Dairy Goat’ DVD

Made from the original film by David and Patsy Sawyer' The original film was professionally made in 1959 and was loaned to clubs and other interested parties throughout the years. The perfect Christmas Present for all goat enthusiasts everywhere. The film has a touch of nostalgia but is as relevant today as it was then. Available from the office for £10.00 Plus £1.50 Post & Packing Send your cheque for £11.50, made payable to the British Goat Society to the Secretary, PO Box 137, Swanley, Kent, BR8 9BW Tel: 01322 611767 (please allow 14 days for delivery).

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